Are You Addicted to the Internet?


punchout score addicaid gif

Getting beatin at the fight with addiction sucks!   The American Psychiatric Association decided that enough evidence exists to include video game addiction as a diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as internet gaming addiction.

APA suggests the effects (or symptoms) of video game addiction may be similar to those of other proposed psychological addictions. Video game addiction may be like compulsive gambling, an impulse control disorder.


Final DSM 5 Approved by American Psychiatric Association

Internet Gaming Disorder is a “Condition for Further Study” in the DSM-5 (APA 2013).  This means that it is not an “official” disorder in the DSM, but one on which the AmericanPsychiatric Association request additional research. Upon further research, the APA may or may not decide to make the disorder “official” in future editions of the DSM.

The DSM-5 states that Internet Gaming Disorder is most common in male adolescents 12 to 20 years of age. According to studies it is thought that Internet Gaming Disorder is more prevalent in Asian countries than in North America and Europe (APA, 2013).

In summary, the diagnostic criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder include:

1.  Repetitive use of Internet-based games, often with other players, that leads to significant issues with functioning.  Five of the following criteria must be met within one year:

  1. Preoccupation or obsession with Internet games.
  2. Withdrawal symptoms when not playing Internet games.
  3. A build-up of tolerance–more time needs to be spent playing the games.
  4. The person has tried to stop or curb playing Internet games, but has failed to do so.
  5. The person has had a loss of interest in other life activities, such as hobbies.
  6. A person has had continued overuse of Internet games even with the knowledge of how much they impact a person’s life.
  7. The person lied to others about his or her Internet game usage.
  8. The person uses Internet games to relieve anxiety or guilt–it’s a way to escape.
  9. The person has lost or put at risk and opportunity or relationship because of Internet games.


There is a GREAT interactive article at NYTimes.

My score was 3080.  Can you beat it?

a winner is you score addicaid



Articles Internet Addiction

The Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Mental Disorders with Internet Addiction in Internet Users University Students


Just One More Game … Beating the Hardest Level





Video Game Addiction: Cam Adair at TEDxBoulder

Internet Addiction is More Real (realer) than You Think

Internet Addiction Is More Real (Realer) Than You Think

While time spent online can be hugely productive, compulsive Internet use can interfere with daily life, work, and relationships. When you feel more comfortable with your online friends …


Other Blogs on Internet  Addiction 

Interpersonal Relationships and Internet Addiction

 The above video produced by Xie Chenglin, a student at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in China,  shows people going about with their heads down, obsessed with what’s happening on their smartphone instead of what’s happening in the world around them. No one really behaves this extreme (but selfies taken with disasters as the background have been a worrying trend recently). This short is an over-the-top, satirical video — emphasizing the severity of the problem — without chastising the viewer, so the message actually gets through.

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