Month: August 2014

Comment: Why we need to be more accurate in diagnosing co-morbidity.

In this blog we have repeatedly queried whether the co-occurrence of so-called co-morbidities with substance use disorders (SUDs) is as high as reported in many studies (1). In a blog from yesterday Are most co-morbidities really substance-induced disorders?  that diagnosis is often flawed in many studies and that the […]

Assessing the “Alcoholic Personality”?

We recently came across an article which satisified some of our curiosity with regards to two important theoretical and research considerations in relation to both the accurate definition of  the so-called “addictive or alcoholic personality “, which has falling out of fashion in terms of recent research but […]

Demonstrating Neouroplasticity in Short-Term versus Long-Term Abstinent Alcoholics

Alcohol dependence is thought of as a disorder with an overwhelming impulsive and compulsive “drive” towards alcohol consumption (Kamarajan et al. 2005), and an inability to “hit the brakes”, or inhibit alcohol consumption despite negative biological, psychological, legal, and social consequences (American Psychiatric Association 1994). Functional neuroimaging studies […]

SusieDDesigns Sewing & Crafts

Sewing, knitting, crafts, inspiration...

Healing Within the Blur

Engaging the unconscious in everyday life with Chuck Bender

The Godly Chic Diaries


The happy Quitter!

It started when I gave up smoking and went from there!

Making it write

mostly poetry, partly peculiar.

Andrea's Insight

Mostly addiction and recovery stuff

Recovery river

Practical Lessons for Everyday Life

Progress Not Perfection

This blog is about my journey towards a life grounded in balance, gratitude, creativity, and love.

Get your head on straight


The Courage To Shift is my Life Coach business that focuses on moving the client from victim, to VICTOR, regardless of their personal goals! Is there anything in life that you would like more of?


never judge a girl by her weight


Heal the past. Free the present. Bless the future.

Espiritu en Fuego/A Fiery Spirit

Espiritu en Fuego -- A Fiery Spirit Expressing Herself

tired of treading water

Ditching the drink and waking up

Musings of a Progressive...

Transmissions from the heart, because in the end, we're all just walking each other home.

Sober Bean

Life, Sober